On The Issues

At the core of every social issue is an economic issue. By investing in our infrastructure, ensuring equitable education funding, and protecting reproductive rights, we lay the foundation for a thriving economy that benefits all Texans.

Texans deserve a leader who will fight for smart investments in infrastructure, equitable education funding, reproductive rights, and economic policies that uplift our community. Together, we can build a stronger, more prosperous Texas for all.

Education Funding: Public education in Texas has been a longstanding issue. I will fight for equitable funding, voting no on vouchers that will funnel taxpayer dollars to charters and private schools. I will also advocate for increased funding for public education through the reallocation of budget priorities so that we can provide students and teachers with the necessary resources.

Reproductive Rights: Access to reproductive healthcare services such as contraception, prenatal care, and abortion can have significant financial implications for women and their families. Restrictions on reproductive rights can limit access to affordable healthcare options, leading to higher healthcare costs for individuals. I will advocate for the right to have atonomy over our bodies. We must regain control over reproductive health as it can have positive economic outcomes for individuals, families, and society as a whole.

Healthcare Access: Texas has a large population without health insurance, and access to healthcare services is a significant concern. I will advocate for expanding Medicaid, improving healthcare affordability, and improving healthcare infrastructure. We need our community healthy! 

Infrastructure Development-  With a growing Texas population, we face challenges in maintaining and expanding its infrastructure, including transportation systems, water resources, and housing affordability. I will advocate for investment in our infrastructure and affordable housing initiatives to meet the demand of our growing city.